Over the past decade, the Summer School of Leipzig’s Graduate School Global and Area Studies has established itself as an important meeting place for the interdisciplinary discussion of transnationalization and transculturalism as well as new trends in the research of globalization in general. The 2018 edition, which again is organized in close cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) and the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1199: “Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition” addresses the issue of imaginations of space and their role in global processes. With its thematic focus, the summer school takes up the annual conference’s theme of the SFB (taking place in October 2018) and provides an arena for young researchers more specifically to present their ongoing research related to imaginations and space-making under the global condition.

The Summer School is meant to provide the PhD-students of the Graduate School with an opportunity to an intense exchange with fellow PhD candidates and Postdocs from abroad on topics of common interest and to network across disciplinary as well as geographical boundaries. Thus, we heartily invite young researchers from all over the world whose research interests are related to the focus of this year’s Summer School.

Semester: SoSe 2018