After the civil war that ended 1995 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the promotion of democracy and the accession to the European Union have been key instruments of peace building and conflict resolution, partly with a heavy inter-vention by the international community. However, the engagement of the internationals had mixed results, with even counterproductive effects of strengthening ethnic separation. In this research seminar students will study the different theories of Europeanization and democracy promotion in the context of post-conflict countries and apply them within the framework of a small research project to the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Students will also practice methods and ethics of field research and acquire original data during a study trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Für dieses Seminar ist der Vortrag als Prüfungsleistung vorgesehen. Am 25. April findet eine Modulkonferenz statt, auf der die Vorträge gehalten werden. Vom 13. bis 17.05. findet eine Studienreise statt; genaueres wird zu Semesterbeginn bekanntgegeben.

Semester: ST 2024